The 4th Cometh Alpha mission assignment 🚀
Well done Crew Member. You helped us reach 30,000 battles so far and expand the CSA (Cometh Space Army) to over 5,000 Alpha Crew Members!
You were rewarded accordingly to your contribution and the number of enemies you defeated. In total, all best ranked Alpha Crew Members shared $6,000 in cash prizes in the last 2 missions.
This time it gets really serious as the opponents become more and more numerous. Galactic councillor is aware of everything and decided to reward accordingly: $8,000 in cash prizes in mission 4 alone. That’s $2,000 more than the last 2 missions combined.
And as Cometh accustomed you, next weeks are going to be even better. For that, we are recruiting more Alpha Crew Members. Join us! Train and battle before the public mission!
For mission #4, the aim is really to give a chance to everyone. Here’s a sum up of mission details:
- Mission will last 7 days. From 04/20/22 at 12PM CET until 04/27/22 at 12PM CET.
- A $8,000 prize pool to share between the Top 150 Crew Members.
- Elo’s will be reset at the start date of the mission. A snapshot of the leaderboard will be taken at the end date of the mission.
- Unlimited number of battles.
Prizes are going to be shared as the following:
🥇: $1000
🥈: $800
🥉: $600
☄️ Top 4 to 10: $200
☄️ Top 11 to 20: $120
☄️ Top 21 to 30: $80
☄️ Top 31 to 40: $40
☄️ Top 41 to 50: $30
☄️ Top 51 to 100: $20
☄️ Top 101 to 150: $10
Top 150 will be rewarded! ☄️☄️
As usual, ranks are going to be auto-updated in our Discord Server through #4th-mission.
Make sure to join in order to discuss with other Alpha Crew Members, watch live battles, learn from others, share some best practices and attend galactic meetings of the utmost importance to stay up to date with Cometh. We are all in the same CSA after all.
One last word before ending the briefing 👉 we have partnered up with Troops such as MetaNerds, SnailsForce, BlackPool, Yunit, M.A.R.S, YGG, Gayya, and many more to come.
Lots of crew members from these troops find themselves among the Top 100.
Take action right now! Regret not doing it is the last thing you would want. Join the Alpha Crew Members here to start battling, and here to start connecting with fellow pilots.
See you on the space battlefield.
End of transmission.
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