Recap: March Community Calls
GM crew! We had the pleasure of hosting two community calls with Jérôme de Tychey — the founder of Cometh & the Galactic Counselor 🌌
The Cometh family has many exciting ongoing developments — launches, partnerships, conferences, etc. Jérôme had a lot to share with us! The questions were asked by the Cometh community and answered by the founder of Cometh — what we were left with were two informative and fun community calls & a lot to look forward to. The calls featured tons of live gameplay and new game features 😎
If you’ve missed it or need a refresher, here is the recap of the most important questions and answers from the calls.
We’ve combined both calls into one recap for your reading convenience 👇
Q — What are you doing right now? What is currently trending in Cometh?
A — I was in NYC a couple of weeks ago. I met with a lot of our players, heavy collectors, a couple of guilds, and a couple of collection leaders in New York. We are trying to strike some partnerships for the future game to do more things with other collections, and we are getting very close to a global release.
We’ve been working on a good setup for tournaments. We’ll make an official announcement and bring everyone that has been playing Cometh Battle. There will be stuff to win in the tournaments, and then we would like to generalize these tournaments and bring more people before the big release. We also plan to reward the winners with crypto in Cometh Mission v2.
We’ve made a partnership with a Sci-Fi TV show called Blood Machines. They are releasing NFTs of their own, and when you play those NFTs in our game, it will change the way the game behaves, change the background, make special effects, and so on. We hope it will pave the way to more partnerships like Disney, Star Wars, or other movies that we’d like to feature in our game. That’s a first for us, and we are very proud to partner with a good quality show like this one. That’s super positive for us because it will also open the game to people who are not really in the initial Cometh community.
We’ve also partnered up with Powder. gg. Powder is a social network of gamers that shares their best moves in games, and we’ll be relying on them for some of our marketing during the launch. So hopefully, it will bring us a lot of new players in the community.
In the very short run, we’ll be featured in Lisbon at the Nonfungible Conference. In April, Cometh NFTs will be presented at the Venice Biennale. May will be a month packed with marketing operations and support for the game’s launch. In May and June, we will arrange our first tournament and bring more people to the game at this point. We want to announce some partnerships with key collections and essential DeFi products during this time. Then in July, we have the EthCC conference where we are going to go big. We are one of the silver sponsors. There will be a Cometh boat next to the conference where we will have event space to host parties & cocktails — and we will have a pop-up store with luxury & high-quality brand collaborations.
So that’s what’s burning right now.
Q — So we are getting a lot of new changes — Can you tell us more about the art & new characters?
A — Our art director Thomas has been working on various characters. We have different streams in parallels — there is a stream to upgrade the graphics, a stream to upgrade the sounds, and a stream also to upgrade the lore and the things around the game.
We are building those characters to bring more to the universe, to start to reveal the lore that we have in the game. So we’ve been trying to craft the characters and give away the characters to lore writers who will build the Cometh story so that you feel more inside of a traditional game. This kind of lore and history about the game is not only going to bring more depth to the game, but it’s also going to let us build more storytelling in future games. We are working with two authors on that, creating a lot of assets that are technically lore accelerators and trying to find an approach to involve the community, like a community driven lore.
Also, I think it’s an excellent occasion to tease you about different awesome projects that are in the making — we are partnering with two studios that will be announced soon. Those two studios have a long history of making good games with good references, and we have partnered with them to create more Cometh games. So the characters are about to be featured in different games and you’ll be able to use your spaceships in other games, not only competitive ones like this one but also more fun to play, singleplayer or multiplayer ones. That’s in the making, and we hope that we’ll be able to show you a demo of this in May. We’ll see how fast the development of those new projects is performing. Still, the objective is to put a lot of games on the market, not only this in April but also another one probably in November or December.
Q- Community showed interest in the utility of the MUST & DUST for moving forward. Can you tell us something about that?
A- The core approach here is to continue to grow the community and the utility of our NFTs with more games. We like to think about our NFTs as a traditional console — instead of buying a PS5; you’re going to build your spaceship.
Now, when it comes to MUST and DUST, we are following a roadmap to have all optimistic roll-ups set up, which will be a scaling solution that you can use to play the games. Instead of paying for gas or transaction fees when you’re playing, we want you to be able to use staking MUST to keep on having a completely free game experience just because you’re staking MUST and contributing to this. One way we want to engage the players with MUST is in the future of the Cometh Battle we are going to try out this approach: You are playing, you can do a set number of ranked games per day, and once you’ve done enough ranked games per day you can refresh your spaceship using DUST.
If you want to be more engaged, you’ll be using your MUST and DUST to accelerate your pass through having bigger collections or having more fights with other players.
We have a setup right now that is more of a proof-of-concept style, it’s not good enough for production, but the optimistic rollup we’ve been working on is close to a production state. Maybe at the end of the year, maybe before, we’ll be focusing on that so that you can have an infrastructure for gaming and that will not only benefit Cometh but any game that wants to build on top of it, and it will bring an infrastructure like utility to MUST and DUST.
Q — About the login with email, is there an app planned utilizing an app store, or will it remain a web3.0 website?
A — It’s not really showing in the Alpha because the Alpha is limited and waitlisted only. But we now have proper integration with Web3Auth. That lets you log in to a game and also all of the classic Cometh services with your social wallet. If you have friends that don’t have a wallet but just have a Facebook account or any social account, Web3Auth lets you log in with those social network credentials and handle the wallet for you.
It’s meant for the non-crypto & non-blockchain people that don’t want to bother on the wallet installation to just start playing. You remember we had email login, and it was good but not perfect. Now we are moving to Web3Auth, which is much better.
So when the game is launched, we will have a way to let anyone that has a classic login to just be in. The great thing about it is that it’s interoperable. To answer the question, yes, we are releasing something on their app store.
Q — What about the NFT marketplace, and do we have an expected date for it?
A — We are planning the launch of the Cometh Marketplace for NFTs. Rather than having the activity of different spaceships being scattered between different marketplaces, we worked on our own marketplace that will be much more fair on the fees that they take from the players.
The date will probably be with the launch of the game. We had a workable demo which was good but not perfect. There are not many things to do before it’s final but we still have to work a little bit. We want to make sure that things are really polished before we ship it. We are trying to move fast without breaking anything and the marketplace will definitely be there when we launch the game.
Q — Is there a targeted number of cards you have in mind to be released and tested before the public launch?
A — We target more than 100 cards for sure, and we have more cards in the making. We’re trying our best to pack more cards in the initial release. We will have probably 4–5 decks, and I think that’s good for a first edition. In the new version of Cometh we have several updates; there are 24 new cards, a lot of bugs were fixed and the server is adapted to accommodate more players. Details will be announced on the 2nd day of Nonfungible Lisbon.
Q — What is the state of the DAO?
A — Right now, on the DAO front, we have the basic feature of letting you vote for stuff with your spaceships — basically letting you vote with your MUST. We just want to make a couple of more steps and more deployments before we involve our holders in the process because right now, we are rushing to finalize the game. We will involve the players and let them vote on what direction we should go. Similarly, when it comes to prioritizing some features, partnerships, or future games, we will involve you directly in it. It’s something that we really wanted to do since the beginning of the Cometh Project. So yeah, it’s getting close to that.
Q — Any chance for physical/NFT merch like ships and collectibles?
A — Yes, definitely. In Cometh EthCC and all the conferences we’ll be hosting, you’ll see amazing merch that we have been developing.
Q — What is the advantage of this NFT game compared to other ones, and how will investors be convinced of it?
A — We are not looking for investors, Cometh is good on that side. We are creating a game that is fun for the players, but with some economic incentives. The emphasis is on fun and players who are dedicated to the game.
Q — Is there an improvement in the spaceships?
A — All spaceships are being redesigned and vectorized to have a 3D version. Spaceships will have more designs and representation of assets with more sound effects & upgraded graphics.
Q — Will there be a mobile application for Cometh?
A — You can save the game as an app from the browser. The problem is that crypto games are not allowed on App Store and Play Store. We are looking for a new way to connect mobile phones to browsers and closely observing Meta’s progress to see how we can leverage it for the Cometh Battle.
Q — Will $MUST still be the main token for other games?
A — Yes.
Q — What are the uses for $DUST?
A — $DUST is under the light consensus. The idea for $DUST is to be used for reactivation of games, unlocking specific features such as tournaments & rewards, and handling transaction costs with it.
End of transmission.
Thanks a lot to Jérôme de Tychey for giving us notable updates and great gameplay, and thank you, Cometh crew, for joining us!
Tons of stuff to look forward to in 2022! 😉
Don’t hesitate to contact us & stay tuned for the upcoming announcements on our social channels 👇
ComethBattle waitlist: