A new blockchain eSport tournament is happening this weekend in the Cometh Galaxy on Polygon, brace yourself for the Polygon Galactic Trophy!
What ?
Polygon Galactic Trophy is the 2nd stop on the road to the Grand Prix with $50,000 to win in tokens (liquidity pool shares of ComethSwap).
How will the prizes be distributed ?
The players will compete for $12,500 worth of tokens on asteroids they can mine in the stadium for about 2 hours. During that time a ladder ranking the spaceships will be dynamically updated until the last asteroïd is depleted. Afterwards, $37,500 worth of tokens will be airdropped following the distribution bellow:
The top 100 players will win a ticket to the next tournament, the Polygon Galactic Trophy happening Sunday the 25th. A special reward will also be given to the winner of the tournament.
When ?
This Saturday, the 17th of July, at 1pm UTC (3pm CET, 6.30pm IST).
Where ?
The Galactic Stadium of Cometh:
To enter the Stadium, take the corresponding portal with the proper ship and ticket in your wallet (note that your ticket is burnt in the process so any exit is final).
Who can participate?
Players that have qualified for the tournament by getting a ticket from staking MUST or performed well in Cometh’s Academy. The top 500 of the Galactic Cup also received a ticket. This second event is reserved to common (MULE included) and uncommon spaceships.
Some of the spaceships you’ll encounter during the Trophy
You don’t have a ticket yet?
It’s not too late to get one! There are qualification sessions that are permanently ongoing and great for beginners. The top 10 of each session is rewarded with a ticket for the trophy, get your MULE spaceship NFT now and enter the academy! Alternatively you can purchase an uncommon Dogg’O and receive a free ticket!
Make sure to checkout the tournament F.A.Q for more information!
Want to get involved with Cometh?
Grab your MULE spaceship and start playing today!
Visit Cometh’s shop for new spaceships.
Invite your friends with Cometh’s Referral Program!
Stake your MUST⚗️ tokens and unlock items and spaceships.
Exchange your tokens on ComethSwap.
Rent or put your spaceship on a lease with Cometh Rental.
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