Intergalactic war is looming; Tiaval encroaches on Alliance territories, invaders from unknown sectors are moving in, and everyone is busy blaming everyone else for the weird glitches spreading throughout the universe. But do we, the actual citizens, the pilots, out there in our ships doing the dirty work, really want the war that our leaders are talking about? Hell no! We just want to mine, get rich, and fly the finest and fastest ships that we can get our hands on. And, if the chances arise, become immortal.
The Alliance Ambassador, sensitive to the needs of the masses, has proposed a truce — everyone and all ships, across all races of the Galaxy, will gather in the six sectors for glory and unity. Putting all other grievances of politics and trade aside, each and every pilot with a ship has the privilege of competing in staged one-to-one battles to show the capabilities of their ship and flying prowess. For at least a short while, we can forget about war, espionage, freakish, unexplained phenomena, and the perils at our doors.
The six sectors, namely, Cygnus, Centaurus, Sagittarius, Perseus, Periphery, and Core, will find their victors in a succession of local tournaments, proving that even when the leaders can’t see eye to eye, the Galaxy’s heroes, the pilots, can duke it out and put the leaders on their pedestals, united in victory.
Each sector will have one outright victor, but this is a chance to forge alliances throughout the galaxy. More than one representative from each sector will participate in the final showdown to find the Galactic Grand Master. And, being the space-faring people we are, we invite and encourage you to participate in any sector tournament. If your ship can get you there, that’s all you need to qualify to compete for the prestige of being champion of the sector.
The 4 sectors that make up the major arms of our beloved galaxy, Cygnus, Centaurus, Sagittarius, and Perseus, will each send two winners to the finals. In contrast, the Periphery and the Core sectors, being larger and stranger, will be represented by a final 4.
These 16 top-ranked fliers from across the six sectors will then gather together for the once-in-a-cycle opportunity to compete in the ultimate and final contest in the Stadium of the Gods. It’s up to you to show the best of what your people and your ship can do. Never before has the Galaxy come together at such an event — where the strength of the individual shines and all the other stuff fades away. But though we unite in the spirit of free and fair competition, there can be only one glorious winner. This flier will be crowned Galactic Grand Master for an entire cycle until the following Galactic Masters defend their title.
The Grand Master will be elevated to the realm of the demigod until their crown lasts, giving them honor beyond that of a mere mortal. Under the terms of the truce, the championship will be repeated at cyclical intervals for as long as we can keep some kind of truce in our Galaxy.
Each cycle, every individual of every race, guild, creed, militia, or otherwise will have the right to compete in this ultimate of tournaments, proving to our nation’s leaders that war is not the only way to find balance in the universe.