Cometh Mission v0.4 šŸš€

2 min readMar 18, 2022


While memes about petrol prices spread all over the internet, we stay unworried about fueling your spacecrafts to navigate between the stars and proceed with your mission. Your motivation and rewards earned by defeating opponents remain your best fuel. Also, youā€™ve got more orbiters to help you consume less while making more damage. Some important mechanisms have been implemented into your battles.

So, letā€™s take a look at the upgrades done in this mission by our technical operators. We have a lot to say:

  • Talking about the orbiters, they have taken a much more important place in your strategy. They now have their own, distinct, HP and Attack Power. You may now deploy multiple orbiters instead of stacking them up. It is possible to fuse them all into a ā€œMechaā€ if you want, but only if youā€™ve got the right card in your hand. šŸ˜‰
  • We know you were expecting this: More weapons!! 10+2 cards have been added to your deck builder. There are now a total of 85 cards available, including in-battle created cards. All with different powers. You surely wonā€™t stop hearing about new cards anytime soon.
  • Three cards have been modified: ā€œNuclear Bombā€ ā†’ Deals 8 damages to target, 4 to others instead of 10 to everyone in the past. ā€œReprogrammingā€ ā†’ Select an orbiter and choose the type you would like to swap it for, instead of a random type change. ā€œOrbiter Restockā€ ā†’ Choose a card from 3 random orbiter deployment cards to add it to your hand, instead of increasing orbiters deployment by 4.
10 cards with 2 in-game created cards. Notice the new properties display for orbiters.

As usual, letā€™s zoom in on a particularly interesting cardā€¦ šŸ‘‡

Crew members, keep in mind that Cometh is expanding accordingly to the mission becoming more and more ambitious.
And to great expansions, great moves. We are still recruiting both Commanders and ā€” most importantly ā€” Crew members. Apply to the Cometh Alpha Program right now by joining the waitlist to be part of this mission.

Also make sure you join our Discord alongside thousands of members. Lots of different events and communications happen there.

End of transmission.

Stay tuned for what is to come!

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Written by Quoletta

Cometh is a groundbreaking strategy game where players can win valuable tokens and that leverages the Decentralized Finance ecosystem

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