We are witnessing great historical moments wether it is in tech world with large transactions, or in real life. Freedom & Independence are the two main words in the majority’s mouth.
Cryptocurrency is, without a doubt, part of the discussion.
It is also related to space in many ways thanks to the same media character creating all these earthquakes with a few words through the Blue Bird app he just bought on a whim… BUT, we also use cryptocurrency to battle in space, and we aim to be pillars in cryptocurrencies’ use in this environment.
DeFi, NFTs, Tokens… Cometh plans to be on all fronts (really) soon. But let’s just take it step by step and not rush things out. Everything will fall into place at the right time.
Let’s talk about this milestone we’ve just achieved:
- You’ve got 18 more weapons to your deck builder. Some of them come along with new mechanisms such as:
Space Trash → Takes 1 opponent orbiter slot.
Defenceless → Makes the opponent’s shield cards loose 50% of their values for next turn. - Three new orbiters:
Flag Ship → Adds its power to adjacent orbiters while alive. All powers gained will be lost if Flag Ship is destroyed.
Cargo → Deals 2 damages to enemies at each end turn. If Cargo gets destroyed, it deploys 1 Fighter and 1 Protector orbiters.
Matriochka → 4 Power & 4 HP. When the orbiter dies, it deploys 3 mini Matriochkas (3 Power/3 HP; 2/2 & 1/1). - Some weapon tweaks have been made:
Supertimor → Burns 4 parasites instead of 3. Enhancer
Orbiter → Each turn adds 1 power to Enhancer Orbiter. At destruction, accumulated power goes to adjacent orbiters instead of giving its power to all orbiters each turn.
Shield Burst → Costs 6 instead of 4. - Fixes & enhancements:
Hyperconcious → Drawn card doesn’t duplicate anymore. Reminder: This card takes a random card from your deck and puts it into your hand.
You can now choose the position of your orbiters when you deploy them. Choose wisely 👀.
What are your thoughts on this card? Feel free to share with us on our discord along with crew members.
One quick important point to conclude this transmission: you may notice a little change in the pre-game section where you choose your spacecraft and deck. A small note has been added under spaceship name to indicate how many rewarding games are left with each machine. It’s a small detail that marks a huge turning point in Cometh Battle. Next release will implement NFTs. Yes, it is the last milestone before the public mission. Major changes on the horizon.
Reminder: 14,000$ dollars have been earned in total by our Alpha Crew Members. This is not going to stop. Don’t miss your chance and join the waitlist now!
Crew Members, stay safe and use this milestone to prepare for the public mission.
End of transmission.
Stay tuned for what is to come!
And don’t forget to follow us on socials & join community of players:
☄️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MUSTCometh
☄️ Whitelist for the ComethBattle BETA: https://www.cometh.io/battle
☄️ Follow the updates & engage: http://discord.gg/mcXn2R2QRx