Cometh Battle Content & Tournament Schedule Update
Genesis Mini-set
We are pleased to announce that our next content update (V0.12) is around the corner, landing live on servers on October 17th. We will add around 50 cards to the Compendium with updated game mechanics, orbiters & environments changes! We’re confident that these additions will change the META and provide players with more gameplay options for all levels of play.
For players to get used to the new cards and give the development team some time to make any balance updates, we’ve decided to add the Genesis Mini-set to the base deck for free. The Mini-set will remain in the open library until our next milestone update scheduled for mid November. Mini-set cards will be added to Crafting/Card Boosters with the V0.13 update.
Tournament Schedule
As we want participants to have enough time to get a good grasp of the new META and change their deck accordingly, we have decided to shift the dates of the last two phases of the Eagle’s Rest Tournament. The regular phase for the Free Fliers Cup #3 will be pushed back by one week, from Friday October 21th at 12 PM CET to Friday October 28th at 12 PM CET. The Playoffs bracket will be played on October 31st & November 1st. Eagle’s Rest Grand Finals (Freedom Strike) will be held on November 7th & 8th. These changes will be updated on all official tournament communications & rules shortly.
Finally, we have some updates about the Free Fliers Cup #2 Playoffs Bracket scheduled next week on October 10th & 11th. Based on the players’ feedback, we have decided to renew the live stream with minor changes that will provide an even playing field for all participants. There will be no live stream for the first round of matches (Round of 16). On the other hand, all following matches (including 3rd place match) will be streamed fully. From an organization standpoint, all matches starting at Round of 8 will be played in a staggered way compared to how it was played before. This means even more Cometh battle action for you to enjoy! We will share more details about the Playoffs organization to the 16 qualified players.